Note to Readers...

Dear Friends,

Although the contents of this blog have been preserved below, new postings to this blog ended on January 3, 2011. But please checkout my new blog: "Embracing Jesus."


Monday, March 29, 2010

The Kingdom permeates its surroundings

Jesus teaches that his kingdom tranforms its surroundings.

Matthew 13:33 33 He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened."

Do we ignore Jesus' teaching that his Kingdom transforms the things it touches? 

Note:  In the previous post, the Kingdom grows from small mustard seed into a giant tree.  Here the yeast permeates its surroundings transforming them. How can we permeate our world so that it is forever transformed?

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